About me

i'm rod gonzalez

For almost 30 years as a Producer, Audio Engineer, and Musician I’ve worked in a professional environment surrounded by very talented Creative Directors of the best transnational Advertising Agencies out there, and by the same token, I’ve had the honor of directing the best VO artists, mostly in Spanish, but in the last decade, I expanded my scope by working with American talent, all of them amazing voice-overs in English from all over the US.


About 20 years ago, due to life circumstances, I myself started in the world of voice-overs, lending my voice to brands like Pepsi, KFC, Pizza Hut, Ariel, and many more. Nowadays, I can only see that this was a hidden talent waiting to be awakened by the exciting opportunities that online work can offer, erasing all borders across the globe.


More about me personally:

I’m on a mission to obsessively be a ‘One Stop Solution’ to my clients by going above and beyond of what’s required not just by providing fast turnarounds with great quality, but by offering services that complement the world of voice over such as translation, audio editing, video synchronization, and more.
While this is a never ending learning experience, I enjoy challenging myself to connect to audiences and deliver key messages with raw human emotion.

Doing things with a sense of urgency and doing them well has been my motto for decades and over the years I have proven that it pays!

– Rod Gonzalez –

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Evolution Of Commercial Voiceover During A Global Crisis